International Arbitrator
Arbitrator in a number of international proceedings, including President of the Tribunal and Sole Arbitrator, in institutional (ICC, ICSID, Milan Chamber of Arbitration, Bogota Chamber of Commerce) and ad hoc arbitration, both between private parties and with the participation of the State as well as other public legal entities. Member of ICSID panels of arbitrators and conciliators appointed by Argentina. Member of the Permanente Court of Arbitration appointed by Argentina.
Legal expert
Legal expert in numerous international cases (judicial and arbitration), including Oil & Gas, electricity, construction, mining, financial investments, banking, naval industry, telecommunications, etc.
Some institutional consultations
Called as an expert in investment arbitration by the European Parliament, the French Government and the French National Assembly within the framework of discussions about the inclusion of a chapter concerning investor-State dispute settlement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the European Union and the United States.
European Union: Expert Consultant for the Cooperation with the Andean Community (development of the dispute settlement in the Andean Community).
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) / MERCOSUR: Chief Consultant for Research on the application of the Law of MERCOSUR in Member States.
Latin-American Integration Association (ALADI) / Government of Paraguay: Consultant for the Modernization of Paraguayan International Business Law.