Awards and distinctions

Honorary Professor

University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) (since 2014)

Honorary Professor

National University of Córdoba (Argentina) (since 2000)

Pablo Neruda Chair

Latin-America Institute of High Studies, Paris (France) (2007/2008)

French Chair

State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) (2014)

Global Professor

New York University (2013/2015)

Corresponding Member

Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Venezuela (since 2017)

“Rosalba” Medal for the contribution to international law and low of integration

Permanent Tribunal of Revision,MERCOSUR (2013)

Granted eight times the scholarship of the Max Planck Society

Germany (1992, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007)

Van Calker Scholarship

of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (1990)


of the OAS and the Iberian-American Cooperation Institute (1988/1990)